If you are unable to resolve your noise issues yourself, it may be necessary to lodge a complaint with third parties or the regulator.  Watch the video on this page to gain a better insight into how you’d go about making a formal complaint.

Engaging the ACMA should be a LAST RESORT.  If you feel you need support, reach out to a friend who has experience dealing with government departments.  Feel welcome to send us an email, but we can’t act on our behalf.  Follow the hints and tips provided here on QRM Guru.  Make sure you have a  well documented case BEFORE you contact the regulator.

If the noise emanates from main power infrastructure visit the post on this topic.

Power Line Noise – Taking action


This short video provide an insight into how you’d go about making a formal complaint with your power distributor as well as the regulator.

key words: how do I complain to my power company, how do I lodge a complaint with a power company, how do I lodge a complaint with acma, lodge a complaint with the regulator