The following case study sourced from Grant VK5GR

One thing I have found very helpful for finding sources is to build this kit:

Click this link to visit minikits website.

For the antenna, get some ½” soft copper pipe and form  a loop about 30cm diametre and use that in place of the wire described in the construction notes – now you have a portable DF antenna. The nulls are very deep. Ive found numerous (noise) sources this way.  Add a stepped attenuator to help you walk all the way up to the source too.

The alternative way to combat it is to run a noise canceller. I have used two different types.

1) – this is my favourite – extremely simple but very capable of taking out single noise sources when you have an aux antenna that can equally hear the noise but is a bit deaf to the wanted signals.

2) – I have used this version  as well – seems better suited to broadband noise soures.

A combination of DFing it to the source and cancelling it before it gets to your rx front end are the ways I am managing to keep my station on air currently. It certainly reduces the enjoyment of the hobby everytime a neighbour brings home a new piece of electronic garbage.

Acknowledging Grant VK5GR – thanks Grant