QRM.guru and RASA encourage all clubs to put together a Club QRM Kill Kit.
The inventory in this kit is based on references to various technical sources and experience. As the VK ham community starts using the techniques and tools in this kit, please provide us with your feedback. If you discover additional items that are helpful in eliminating noise, please let us know and we’ll update this inventory list
The Radio Amateur Society of Australia (RASA) and QRM.guru have made Kill QRM Kits available for clubs.
To see how to use this kit, watch the video at the bottom of this page. The attached brochure provide details of what’s in this kit.
A selection of filters, ferrites and chokes enabling members to try-out different noise remediation solutions. The member can try different solutions and then replace whatever items he/she uses.
Kill QRM kits are now available. Contact us for more info.
Keywords: Noise resolution. How do I reduce noise. What equipment do I need to reduce noise