“A corona discharge is an electrical discharge brought on by the ionization of a fluid such as air surrounding a conductor that is electrically charged. Spontaneous corona discharges occur naturally in high-voltage systems unless care is taken to limit the electric field strength. A corona will occur when the strength of the electric field (potential […]
Category: Step 5 – Power Line Noise
Finding power line noise using a VHF AM receiver
Thanks to George Smith G8AOJ and the RSGB. “For several months I had been experiencing random variable level wide-band impulsive noise across the whole 2m band. This manifested itself at times as a strength seven continuous crackling noise.” Read on to see how George traced the offending noise source. This article is copyright of the […]
Lodging Complaints
If you are unable to resolve your noise issues yourself, it may be necessary to lodge a complaint with third parties or the regulator. Watch the video on this page to gain a better insight into how you’d go about making a formal complaint. Engaging the ACMA should be a LAST RESORT. If you feel […]
Locating Power Line Noise
The below videos give a real world example of power line noise suffered by Allan VK2CA. The second video shows first hand how you can use a simple VHF/UHF receiver to narrow down the offending power pole. QRM.guru thanks Allan for providing these videos. This video illustrates first-hand the horrible sounds that […]
Power Line Noise – Template for submission to Electricity Distributor
Use this form to record your contact information and the evidence and facts associated with your noise complaint. Attach any files that support your complaint. Maintain a journal of all your correspondence.

Power Line Noise – Taking action
Now you know its power line noise – make sure all your evidence and supporting documents are well organized. You’ve used your DF equipment to narrow it down to a pole and/or location. Ensure you have captured as much information as possible on the Power Line Noise Tracking Template and have supporting files; eg. Video […]